How to finish your creative projects

How to finish your creative projects

How to finish your creative projects 2560 1925 Karin von Daler Healing Arts

How do you conceive of a great idea for a creative project? And how do you finish it and get it into the world so it makes a difference in your life and others’?

How do you keep up momentum when you meet criticism and resistance from the inside and outside (it’s always there in the creative process)?

I talked about all this and much more with my publisher, Anna Frolik of Wonderland Publishing, in an inspiring conversation we had the other day.

We also talked about perfectionism, the fear of being flawed and not enough, and what happens when we embrace the archetypal sensitive part of us that would rather hide in the woods.

We talked about what exactly makes creativity so healing – in a way I’ve never done before.

Both Anna and I would love for you to join us. Just click on the image below.

Thank you for being here.

With love & creativity,
