When you take your work as a therapist seriously. And creatively.

Professional Trainings

Would you like to learn to work efficiently, integratively and creatively with trauma?

EITH: Expressive Arts Integral Trauma Healing is a professional training in expressive arts based trauma work for working, trained therapists.

We live in a traumatized world and as therapists we meet trauma every day. Research and clinical experience about trauma is growing and our methods to work with them are better than only a few years back.

But can you work creatively with clients who are traumatized? Isn’t it dangerous to open trauma up in that way? Do we lose our grip on the safety and efficacy of our therapy? What are the best steps to include to offer a safe, creative and holistic way to the gradual healing of trauma?

This course offers an expressive arts therapy-based method to effective, safe and respectful work with trauma.

We work on three levels:

  1. The body and trauma.
  2. The psyche and mind and trauma.
  3. Soul, spirit and trauma.

It’s based on the newest and latest neuro-affective knowledge about trauma, psychological approaches to dissociation of the psyche and depth psychological approaches to working with soul and spirit.

The course is for you, if you are a trained therapist who wants to learn advanced, creative approaches to expressive arts trauma work.

This online course is part of a live in-person group training that meets to work with the methods in practice.

We work with dance, drama, imagery, sound, active imagination and writing.

To join this practice you must be a trained therapist with some experience in private practice. Call me to hear more at +45 6169 2042.

Individual supervision

Once you accept the responsibility of your role as a therapist, you can begin to be creative in that role, too.

Expressive Arts Therapy supervision and training for creative therapists.

Would you like to succeed as a therapist, and still be you? Do you want to include creativity and art in your work with clients? Can you imagine a practice full of clients who love coming to see you, feel deeply seen, free and safe with you, and keep coming back?

You learn to engage your creativity as a source of energy and wisdom in the therapy you offer others.

You become a therapist, you’d like to visit yourself. Someone who takes therapy very seriously – but not so much their own ego.

Someone who is mature and works on themselves continuously, and contributes to the healing of others. Someone who puts education, professionalism and ethics first. You can choose to see me individually or in a group with others. I recommend that you start with individual supervision.

Group Supervision

This creative supervision and professional development group has been helping therapists to build a successful, expressive art therapeutic or creative therapy practice for over 10 years. English and Danish language groups.

  • Art based and expressive arts creative methods that makes learning deep, lasting and fun.
  • Supportive, warm and safe group where you meet kindred spirits that can become your new tribe and colleagues.
  • Focused on developing your professional identity as a creative therapist and giving you the skills you need when you run a modern, creative therapy practice.
  • Both physical meetings and online modules you can work with at home and come back to later when it suits you.

Sign up here to get on the waiting list.

“I was really touched by our session and still am! I did the creative process with the inner child from our last training with an art therapy client. It works.”
– Stine, art therapist.

“It’s so exciting, relevant og effective!”
– Rikke, teacher and art therapist.

“An elegantly communicated trauma model.”
– Marie, psychotherapist.